Opportunities for Reconciliation will be available across the Valley.
Confessions will be at the usual times in each church.
Additional times at St Christopher, Our Lady of the Lake and Sacred Heart are the following:
December 14 Willow 1-4:30pm English & Spanish
December 20 Big Lake 5-7pm English & Spanish
December 21 Wasilla 1-4:30pm English & Spanish
Join Fellow Parishioners in table talk discussions about the topic of “Understanding Social Connection and Isolation in the Mat Su” on Wednesday, December 4th from 6-8pm.
We hope you will join us for an opportunity to meet parishioners and share your experiences about this important and relevant topic.
We will begin at 6pm with a pizza dinner. Adults of all ages are welcome and signing the sign-up sheet on the bulletin is encouraged. This evening is sponsored by Sacred Heart’s Local Organizing Ministry.
Internet Safety --
Keeping Youth Safe Online
Join us for this important presentation by the Alaska State Troopers.
Families with children and teens in their homes need information from law enforcement that will protect their families from online dangers.
Light Dinner at 6pm
Presentation at 6:30pm
A million children around the world will pray the rosary on October 18th for peace and unity around the world. You are invited to come to Sacred Heart and pray with the students or join us on our Facebook Livestream.
A meeting for families attending Sunday School classes will be on August 25th at 10am in the Day Chapel.
Registration forms are available for Sunday School, 1st Reconciliation, 1st Eucharist, and Confirmation.
Students who wish to celebrate sacraments must bring copies of their baptismal certificates.
Shop at smile.amazon.com or with AmazonSmile activated in the Amazon Shopping App. Once you sign in you will be prompted to select a charitable organization (Corporation of Our Lady of the Valley Catholic School lnc) we will then receive donations from your future eligible AmazonSmile purchases.
Sycamore is our school management system that will allow families to check in and see their child's class schedule, grades, absences, accounting, *log in share hours and so much more!
OLV School Code=2676